All: I have been pretty busy the last few week. At work I have been organized a company wide professional exchange which has consumed enormous amounts of time. Actually this is the 3rd one that I have done, but the first one that I have done out at the site on the desert. It entails a lot more logistics then doing them in town. Anyway, enough of work. It happens to be my Friday off and Dennis and Travis went skiing at Pebble Creek in Pocatello. I hope the weather is good for them - currently it is only 17 degrees. Last weekend I had four of my grandchildren come for a visit - Aftyn, Kaylee, Blake and Alyssa. I thought that Dennis would be here to sort of help, but he had to work until 1:00 pm on Saturday and then on Sunday he was in Rexburg until about 3:00 pm. However, we managed without him - we played a lot of games and went to church without him. The kids could not figure out why Dennis was not going to church with us so I tried to explain that he has a church calling in Rexburg to help out the college ward. The kids were great and we had a fun time.
I can hardly wait until spring gets here and we can finally go outside and not freeze to death. We currently still have about 3 feet of snow in the front yard, but it did melt a lot this week when the temperatures starting reach 35 - 40 degrees.
This week I received an email from my oldest brother Deon who has been transferring some of our old family microfilm into jpeg file which he got from Mom's house w

hen he was here for her birthday. The first picture is my baby picture - don't laugh. The second picture is my youngest brother, David on his 2nd birthday. He even sent one of me
when I had the mumps a

s a young girl.
Those are some great pictures Jill! Especially the mumps one. The girls loved seeing them! I can't believe how much snow you still have. Holy cow! I'm so ready for warmer weather to send the girls outside so that they can stop fighting inside and just fight outside!