Thursday, January 29th we were invited down to a friend of Ryann's for a diaper baby shower (this is where all of the gifts are supposed to be diapers or anything related to that department). It was a lot of fun and we played a matching game which resulted in receiving candybars related to having baby's. We arrived back in Idaho Falls around 10:00 pm that night. The next morning around 4:00 am Travis called and said that Ryan was in labor. Dennis and I left our house around 5:00 am. in hopes of making it there before the baby was born. (We did not make the arrival with Kaylee because she came too fast). We stayed at the hospital until 8:30 am but because Ryann's contractions slowed down we went to their house to watch the girls so Chelsey could go to class. She went to class and at 9:24 am Travis called and said that Hunter Aaron Loftus was born. He weighed 6 lbs 1
oz and was 20 something in length. He is strong and health. We took Kaylee and Aftyn out to buy some flowers for Mom and a new little outfit for Hunter.

Thanks Jill for posting about Hunter! I really like the pictures that you sent for the girls. I tried to convince Aftyn to take a picture to school and show everyone but she wouldn't-little pill! Thanks for coming and taking care of the girls for me while I had the baby. They had a lot of fun and it was nice not to have to worry about them along with everything else. You are a lifesaver! I can't say thank you enough for all that you do. I love you and thanks again!