Last Saturday, February 6th we pick
ed up travis and Ryann's girls (Aftyn

and Kaylee) and went on an adventure. We started our adventure at the Pocatello Public Library. The kids seemed to know everything there was to know about the library and how to use it. They started off having their pictures taken in front of a staute on the outside of the library building. We then progressed into the inside of the library where they rode a green dinosaur of sorts.

It's head bobs up and down.We then played on the children's computers. Little did we know as grandparents that we could actually listen at the same time that they were listening to the games and software programs on the computer. Aftyn and Kaylee really know there

way around those computers. We stayed for almost 2 hours. Following the library we ventured down the road until we found McGee's pet store. We found all sorts of "creatures" from birds, to fish, to ferrets, hamsters, turtles, snakes, and even some puppies which the girls were able to hold.

seeing all of the animals for over an hour we were very thirsty so we went to Article Circle and had chocolate shakes.
We still had some time so went to the dollar store and let the girls each pick something for a dollar.

Aftyn came home with a cute little soft dolly and Kaylee came home with a "tiki" cup.

They were very proud of their purchases. Our adventure ended back at home telling mom and dad all of the fun things that they did. We took pictures of the adventure so we could share with all.

PS: Here is a picture of Hunter Aaron with his eyes open.