Dennis and I left for Seattle at 8:00 am on Thursday, March 22, 2012. We stayed in the car for 12 straight hours Happy Anniversary to US. Orignally, we had planned to drive to Spokane and stop for the night, but Dennis just kept driving. We did stop for dinner for 20 minutes, and 2 potty breaks. A total of maybe an hour in stops. We made it to Troy's and Laura house at 7:30 pm Seattle time. We talked for a while and then went to bed around 11:00 pm. The next day, we got up late, I was really tired after 12 hours in the car. We ate cinammon rolls, held the baby, got dressed, held the baby some more, did a few other things, held the baby some more. It was great! On Friday, Laura feed Collin and then we went for a drive down by the ocean and walked for almost an hour along the waterfront. The weather was absolute gorgeous. Well, now for what you have all been waiting for - up close and personal pictures of Collin. (notice all the different facial expressions that he makes)

Troy holding his son Collin - he is such a proud daddy - and really good at changing diapers.
Troy and Laura after a nice walk along the beach.
This is the only picture that I took where he was smiling - I am not sure what he was thinking about, but it must have been good.
This was a house that I saw - It was literally covered with plants everywhere - including the handraill going into the house.
It was such a beautiful clear day on the waterfront. Alot of people were out jogging and walking their dogs. We saw this guy riding an eclipigo bike. It was an elipical machine on wheels that he was riding while standing up - just like on a stationary machine. Doesn't he look so peaceful and content with life?
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