Oh, what a fun Halloween adventure. We decided since it was really close to Riley's birthday we would all celebrate by going to Boo at the Zoo. It was quite the adventure getting ready and getting all the kids to the zoo in their costumes. Dennis bought tickets in advance so we would not have to wait in the long, long lines. It was great, we got to enter by the side gate and walked right in - no waiting in lines. The kids were so excited to see all of the animals at the zoo and get to "trick or treat" at the same time. I loved seeing all of the kids and their many different facial expressions as they explored the zoo. It is always such a wonderful experience to get to see all of my grand kids getting to know each other and spending time together. Thanks for sharing your lives with us! I tried to capture some of my most favorite pictures - here they are!
How can you resist a face like this - I wonder what he has been up to? |
Butterfly Elizabeth |
Going after "THE STASH" |
Very actively involved parents - let's just watch and see what happens |
Aftyn in front of the GOBLIN cemetery |
Kaylee under the BIG CAT. |
I always knew that Aftyn had a special "GLOW" about her. This picture proves it! |
Grandma's favorite goblins |
Abby and the CHICKENS |
Chelsey and Butterfly Elizabeth - What is Elizabeth focused on? |
Abby and her Dad in front of the monkey exhibit |
Elizabeth and Hunter enjoying the ride - they didn't seem to mind all of the scary creatures running around |
Skeleton Riley and Aftyn the Purple and Black Witch in front of the tiger cage |
Blake with his counterpart Dracula in the GLOBE! |
Alyssa - Wow what a great Look! |
Boo at the Zoo with Mr Penguin |
Riley on her birthday with the apron that Grandma made |
Riley and Grandma after making a LOT of cupcakes for her Halloween Birthday party |
Dennis with Riley enjoying the birthday cupcakes |
Hope you enjoyed Halloween - we sure did!
What a fun Halloween going to boo at the zoo. Look at how many Grandchildern you have now! So fun. Hope you all have a happy thanksgiving.