Life has no certainties. We never know from day to day what life will bring. I would like to talk about two weeks in the life of my lifelong friend starting on September 28, 2010. We got a call from Benita saying that her Mother was ill and her and Bob were driving to Idaho. Generally I am pretty excite about her visits, but I knew that this was a very serious and somber visit and one that we didn't know how it was going to end. Benita spent several days in the hospital with her Mom and also a day with her Dad who had eye surgery. The days were long and full of uncertainty. It was finally determined that her Mom would go home on hospice care with the end sure to follow. The emotions ran high with all the decision and arrangements to be made. However, the end was a lot closer than anyone would have ever imagined. I remember Benita telling me how her Mom loved ice cream and raspberries. She put a little ice cream and some raspberries on one of those hospital swap sticks and watched as her Mother enjoyed tasting them for the very last time. What a wonderful lasting memory to share with her Mom. Her Mother past away on Monday, October 4th. It was a very sad day for the family. Children and family were called and the funeral was planned for Friday, October 8th in the Ririe Church house.
Children came from close and far. Michael caught a military flight from Afghanistan and flew for 36 hours to come for the funeral. He met is bride Stephanie in Las Vegas and they drove up to attend. It was great that Michael could be there to support their mother - what a great act of kindess.
Benita with her son Ben - I hope Ben realizes how much it meant to his Mom that he came to the funeral. At a time like this a Mother needs to be surrounded by her children. Benita needed and wanted to have Ben there and through a few small miracles from family members he arrived (a little late for the funeral, but made the cemetery service). Benita was so happy to see him there - now their family circle of love was complete.
Of course, I just had to put this picture in - this is Audrey at the viewing - she loved all the flowers and wanted to smell them, she had been told not get so close, but I hurried and snapped the picture. There is nothing more innocent than a small child's curiosity.

Benita's daughter and her husband Barry drove with their children from Las Vegas. While the grown-up were talking the girls and I went to see the headstones. I was explaining to them what the dates meant. I told them that the top date was the day they were born and the bottom date was the day they died. Before the girls went back to their parents I ask them what they had learned. They told me that the top date was the day you were born and according to Mandy, the bottom date is the "day you hit the road, jack" - very perceptive for a 5 year old.
Benita and Bob at the cemetery in Ririe. The flowers were absolutely beautiful.
Benita's family all together at the cemetery. It just started to sprinkle rain as I took this picture so we have a few drops of rain that bluried the picture.
Dennis and I, Benita and Bob and the church house after the funeral. (Boy have we all changed since our college days - for the better I am sure)
I am so glad that I was able to share and be a part of their lives at such an emotionally trying time. I know that Benita's Mom would have been very proud of her and proud of the way that she has lived her life. I am glad that I was allowed to share this sad time with their family. I hope that they know that I will always be here for them if they need anything. Love them always.