All: I thought we would have a Halloween, birthday party for Riley (hopefully everyone will be well again) at my house on either of the 3 days that works best for everyone. Let me know and I will buy pizza and then we can all go to the zoo.

It opens at 5:00 pm and closes at 8:30 pm. It seems like last year we went early but then it started to get dark when we left so the kids could see all of the lights. Let me know who is interested in coming and we will arrange something. I was thinking that the 30th is a better day than Halloween night, but it doesn't matter to us - we just thought it would be a lot of fun to see everyone dressed in their Halloween custumes.
Boo At The Zoo (October 29th, 30th & 31st) 1,000 Pumpkins, lights, sculptures, tricks, treats, spiders and snakes, games and prizes make for a safe and enjoyable Halloween at the zoo.

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