Well, it has been awhile since I posted anything on my blog, so I am going to try and catch up. Dennis and I decided that it had been a very long winter and so we decided to take a little trip (vacation) to SLC. Dennis took a Friday off and off we went. We stayed in the Crystal Inn Hotel in SLC which just happen to have a hot tub in the room. It was very relaxing! We did a little shopping while there, but didn't really buy anything. We took Henry and Ravenna out to lunch and stopped at their house for a little while. It was good to catch up on everything happening in their lives. Ravenna is very busy working 7 days a week so she did not have much time to visit - she works at the school during the week and does CNA work on the weekends. After visiting with them I wanted to visit Thanksgiving Point which I have heard has an incredible tulip display this time of year. Well, we headed that direction, about 10 minutes from Henry's house, but found out if you turn left you ended up at Cabela's Sport Store or if you turn right at Thanksgiving Point, well guest what we ended up at Cabela's! We stayed too long and it was too cold and rainy when we got out to visit Thanksgiving Point. However, we did go in a look around a little bit and they let us out on the deck to see the view. It was wonderful - 55 acres of trees, tulips, flowers, roses and pathways over acres of land. I have heard that at the bottom they have a hugh rose garden. This property is owner by the creator of "WORD PERFECT". It also has hotels, a dinosaur museum and a working farm. Hopefully we can go back and take the kids and grandkids sometime. I didn't have my camera so I don't have any pictures to share, but you can go online and see how beautiful it is. On the way back from SLC we decided to go over the canyon and through the Bear Lake area. We stopped and took a few pictures of the countryside - it was really pretty with all of the snow still on it.
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