This year for Mother's Day, as in the past we went to the farm and cooked Pocket Stew (tin foil dinners) over the coals for my mother. David was there, Tanner and Chelsey came up on their way to Idaho Falls, Tracy and Tyler came after Tracy got off work. Bo, Tracy's dog came. He was busy chasing the chickens everywhere. It started out as a nice day, but then just as we finished eating it started to rain and Mom didn't like the rain and thought she would get stuck in the mud with her truck so she left. Tyler and Tanner and their wives shot Tyler's new handgun. Chelsey needs to wear different clothes when she shoots the gun - if you want to know why you will have to ask her. Abby and Jaxon were busy playing with David's new Russian Blue kittens which someone dropped off at the farm. David has been feeding and taking care of them. The robins were busy building a birds nest in the barbecue grill. All in all it was a fun day and I think Mom enjoyed having all of us at the farm.

Roasted Robin Nest???
Look at those beautiful blue eggs - we tried hard not to move them.
Bo - chasing the chickens!
Mom eating Pocket Stew! Her favorite meal over the fire.
Dennis, Abby and Jaxon making lime cupcakes with lime frosting, sprinkles, and candy eyes! (Dennis and I were on babysitting duty while Tracy and Tyler went to the movies.
Cooper's first driving experience in our truck? (He looks a little guilty)