It is always amazing to me how time just flies when you are traveling. We left on Thursday night March 28 after work, and headed for Missoula, Montana. Tracy, Abby, Jaxon, Chelsey, Cooper and Kylie left around 1:30 pm the same day knowing that they would have a lot more stops than us. We stayed at our favorite place, the C'mon Inn. It has a beautiful waterfall, hot tubs, large swimming pool and kid's pool for the under 2 year olds. It's a great family place to stay. We got up the next morning, ate breakfast, then packed and we were on the road again. We made it to Travis and Ryann's house late in the afternoon on Friday. The next morning we got up earlier because the community was doing an Easter Egg hunt at the park. We loaded up with all of our Easter baskets and "kids" (Cooper, Kylie, Jaxon, Aftyn, Maddie, Hunter, Kaylee and Aftyn - 5 of the kids were under the age of 2 - what a handful. It's a good thing that we had lots of parents and adults helping with this little adventure) It was a great Easter Hunt with Hunter receiving a very special egg - he received an extra large chocolate bunny - Way to go Hunter! The next day was Easter Sunday - Grandma and Grandpa slept in the living room hoping to see the Easter Bunny while the kids all slept upstairs. The kids hunted excitedly for eggs - including some hard boiled eggs that they had colored the day before. After the Easter Egg scavenger hunt we all dressed and went to church for Easter Sunday. The kids looked very nice in their Easter clothes.
We left on Monday for Troy and Laura's house. While there we visited the Woodland Zoo and also the Sea Aquarium. We went to Ivar's for lunch one day which was a little embarrassing for Dennis and I. Our credit cards would not work and we were planning on paying for everyone. Troy's card did not work either. The clerk told us our meal was free because it was a problem with their cash register. (that was a nice gesture on her part - we did try to pay again at the end, but it still was not working). All in all we had a wonderful trip visiting family. We left on Thursday, April 4 and headed home. We made it to Missoula late Thursday night, and then got up the next morning to head for home. We put a lot of miles on the car, but it was a very comfortable ride. It was such a great trip watching the kids play together and enjoying each other's company. Tracy was the champion "BIG BOSS" winner at Troy's house. I think that I will challenger her to a rematch next time we go. I want to thank Travis and Ryann and Troy and Laura for their great hospitality, great food, great company, great kids and an all-around wonderful time. We always enjoy the time that we get to spend with our children and grandchildren! And now for the pictures - I took over 580 pictures!

Here is Abby at the C'mon Inn standing in bear paws.
Aftyn at the Easter Egg Hunt in Quincy, Washington
All of us showing off our baskets.
Hunter - the best Easter Egg Hunter of All - look at the size of that chocolate Easter bunny.
Bath time - ever single night - the kids loved their bath time together.
Coloring of the Easter eggs.
Dennis can't have Easter without his PEEPS and this year PEEPS on a STICK!
Kylie in her blue, fluffy, Easter dress.
Ryann getting Kaylee ready for Easter Sunday Church
Cooper - the business man!
Jaxon spilled on his white shirt, but we found a matching vest for him and Hunter.
All the kids in their Sunday best - This was quite the challenge since they were all high on Easter Candy.
Troy and Collin - it's all about the books!
Tracy and Abby - all about the books TOO!
Dennis and I scuba diving at the Seattle Aquarium
The bench with grandkids
Our bubble children, Jaxon and Abby.
Troy and Laura on the hippo!
Abby and Jaxon on the elephant!
Troy with his ape friend.
The under "two" picture.
Tracy, Abby and Jaxon on the bench.
Chelsey, Cooper and Kylie enjoying some bench time too!