Wow, another camping trip has come and gone. I am ready to go again. This year we went camping later in the summer I was worried that it would be too hot, but it ended up being a great week to camp. We had 80 - 85 degree weather which was just perfect. The first day we set up camp the weather tried to scary us off with a downpour of rain, hail and lightning, but we prevailed. We would not get rained out! Of course, as we all know, I can't stop taking pictures, so I have just selected a few of the hundreds that I took to tell the story of our week. As we started down the road to Park Creek campground just above Sun Valley, a herd of antelope was on the side of the road. I swear they were standing still just for me and my camera. Ha, Ha!
Here is the first day of camping - we were glad for the pop-up canopies so we didn't have to get wet - it looked like a circus had come into the campground.

Here is our in-house mechanic - Hunter was trying to put the bicycle rack back on the truck.
We drove up to this old mine that had caved-in and when you got close to the cave you could still feel the cold breeze coming from deep inside the mine.
This is the view from top of the mountain where the cave was. It was beautiful.
This was our bicycle hero - Blake can now ride a two-wheeler. (Perhaps, Dennis should take lessons from Blake)
Tanner and Chelsey just relaxing and enjoying the good food.
Madelynn was one of our 3 campers under the age of 3 months. Travis and Ryann has some friends (Chris, Sierra, Reed, Alyssa, and ??) from Pocatello come up that also had a new baby and 2 other young children. They were fun to have camping with us.

Every year we have to do the Fall Creek mile hike. Here are the kids on the "famous" rock.
This is all of us at the Falls. The water was really gushing over the rocks this year - it did not stop the boys from taking the kids down and sitting right underneath the falls.
Tanner and Chelsey after a nice long hike and a long week of camping (Notice Tanner's beard)
Travis and Ryann's family - yes that is Madelynn on the front of Ryann.
I have not idea was Tracy was doing - I was just trying to take a picture of Jaxon.
And of course, I preached to all the kids about riding their bikes safety, maybe I will have to have the kids preach to Dennis next year. Yes, indeed he took a tumble over the top of his bicycle and off to Sun Valley to have x-rays and a cast to protect him for the rest of the week.
Here are the might warriors with their sticks.
The kids still had a lot of enthusiasm even if it was the last day of camping.
I think Tracy and Tyler were happy??? Or they knew something that the rest of us did not know.
Oh, these pictures were taken of Dennis, Tanner, Travis and Tyler as they hiked up to Kane Lake. It was absolutely breathtaking.
Ryann is still smiling - 4 kids and camping - how did she do it. She needs to share her secrets.
Ah - Jaxon - so peaceful.
And here's Dennis loading the truck for our return to home and running water and a hot shower. Another great and wonderful camping experience. Thanks, Family we love you!